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The University of New Mexico Hospital, a level-1 trauma center that serves the whole state, gets about 10% of its budget from Bernalillo County property taxes. Voters will decide next week if the hospital mill levy should be renewed. UNMH is the only hospital in the state with a mill levy tied to hospital operations and maintenance.

The University of New Mexico Hospital gets about 10% of its budget from Bernalillo County property taxes. Voters will have the chance to decide in this year’s general election if the hospital mill levy should be renewed.

Every eight years since 1952, when UNMH was founded, Bernalillo County voters have decided to continue the 6.4 mill levy. The dollar amount the mill levy provides can change year to year based on the value of property in the county, but in recent years the mill levy has provided the hospital $120 million annually, according to hospital CEO Kate Becker.

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Cathy Cook is a news reporter for the ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥. Reach her via email at ccook@abqjournal.com